Student rights, responsibilities and disclosures

​Student rights, responsibilities and disclosures

As a current or prospective Ohio State student, you have many rights and responsibilities. This list is not exhaustive, but highlights some of the key rights, responsibilities and disclosures relevant to current policies and procedures. Due to federal, state and institutional regulations information contained in this website is subject to change.  For comprehensive information regarding all university forms, policies, procedures, and programs, please visit

Student's rights

  • You have the right to privacy (FERPA). All records and information submitted with your application for financial aid are confidential and subject to legal requirements concerning disclosure of such information. More information regarding FERPA and the privacy and release of student information​
  • You have the right to know your educational costs. This includes costs for tuition and fees, living expenses (housing and food), as well as the estimates for books, supplies, course materials and equipment, transportation, federal student loan fees, personal miscellaneous expenses, and required licensure or first credential fees used in determining your financial aid cost of attendance.  See​ (select student type tab, under About Aid, click Cost ​​of Attendance)​.
  • You have the right to know what financial aid programs are available to you, including all federal, state and university financial aid programs, including the procedures and forms necessary to apply, student eligibility requirements, selection criteria and for determining the amount of a student’s award for these programs.
  • If you have returned your application materials by the priority filing date, you will be considered for every requested financial aid program for which you may be eligible and for which there are available funds. Students who do not meet the priority filing date will not be considered for university-administered funds, including scholarships, institutional grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study (FWS), unless there are funds remaining.
  • You have the right to certain student consumer information. Federal regulations require that institutions provide specific consumer information about the school and about financial aid to enrolled and prospective students. Visit the consumer information section of the SFA website to view the required disclosures.
  • You have the right to know how to apply for financial aid. For more information visit​ (select student type, Apply for Aid).
  • Official notification will be sent to you (also to parents for PLUS loans) no earlier than ten days before the start of each term when loan funds have been credited to your university account. You have the right to cancel all or part of your federal loan disbursement.  Submit a written request to Student Financial Aid (SFA) within 14 days from the date you receive official notification that loan funds have been credited to your university account.  For more information see chart below.
  • You have a right to know the academic standards you must maintain in order to have continued financial aid eligibility, commonly known as Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Financial aid and scholarship awards are based on 1) maintaining the required level of enrollment necessary for each program, 2) meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress and 3) the information you supplied on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and/or the ScholarshipUniverse application. Financial aid and scholarship awards are subject to revision if your information should change and/or you receive additional aid that exceeds your demonstrated financial need.
  • Financial aid and scholarship awards are subject to change based on available funding.

​Student's responsibilities

  • It is your responsibility to obtain and complete any necessary financial aid application forms and submit them in a timely manner. You must read and understand all forms you are asked to sign and keep a copy of each.
  • It is your responsibility to provide complete and correct information. You (and your parent or spouse, where appropriate) must confirm the accuracy of the information you provide. Information found to be incorrect may serve as the basis for increase, decrease or cancellation of aid. Information found to be knowingly falsified may result in disciplinary action or referral to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Inspector General.
  • It is your responsibility to report any additional financial aid such as scholarships, grants and loans, graduate or undergraduate assistantships or fellowships, and other educational or tuition assistance.
  • It is your responsibility to pay any past due balances. Students must pay tuition, all fees and prior term balances by the due date listed on the Statement of Account. This includes the first installment of the Tuition Option Payment Plan (TOPP). For more information visit /
  • It is your responsibility to begin attendance in all of the classes for which you receive financial aid. If you withdraw from or fail a class you did not begin attending, your federal financial aid may be reduced or canceled. Academic attendance includes physically attending class, submitting an academic assignment, taking an exam or participating in an online discussion that is part of a course delivery.
  • It is your responsibility to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress policies and standards of The Ohio State University in order to maintain financial aid eligibility. For more information visit Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • It is your responsibility to repay all loans according to your repayment schedule. You are not eligible for financial aid if you are in default on any federal loans for attendance at any institution. Federal loans include National Direct or National Defense Student Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, Health Professions Student Loan, Nursing Student Loan, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Graduate PLUS Loan and Federal Parent PLUS Loan.
  • It is your responsibility to complete and return all required promissory notes and acceptance forms.
  • It is your responsibility to activate your Ohio State email account​. You must activate your Ohio State email account and regularly check your financial aid status, accessible via My Buckeye Link.​

Federal financial aid programs

To receive maximum funding from the above programs, you must:

  • Provide verification documentation by the designated due date (SFA receipt date) for any information requested by Student Financial Aid. A student’s financial aid will be determined after the completion of verification. ​
  • Demonstrate financial need (except for Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan and PLUS Loans).
  • Have a high-school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate, or pass an ability-to-benefit test approved by the U.S. Department of Education, or complete a high-school education in a home-school setting which is approved under state law
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  • Have a valid Social Security number .
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress​ for financial aid eligibility.
  • Certify, by means of your signature on the FAFSA, that you will use federal student aid only for educational purposes.
  • Register with the S​elective Service, if required.
  • Be enrolled at least half-time to receive federal student loans. Other financial aid may be available if not enrolled at least half-time.
  • Not have a bachelor's degree to be eligible for Pell Grant and FSEOG (eligibility will not extend past your term of graduation).
  • Not hav​​e outstanding Federal Perkins Loans or Federal Stafford Loans (either Federal Direct or Federal Family Education Loans) in excess of the annual or aggregate loan limits.
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan nor owe money on a federal student grant, and certify this by means of your signature on the FAFSA and by your signature on a promissory note.

Financial aid disbursement procedures

Financial aid funds must be used first to pay university tuition and fees and then to pay health insurance, university housing and other institutional educational expenses. Before the start of each term, your university Statement of Account will be available on My Buckeye Link. Your online statement will show instructional and general fees, health insurance, living expenses (on-campus housing and food), and other appropriate charges. Any aid for which you are eligible will not initially appear on the Statement of Account, but will be reflected under "Pending Financial Aid." Disbursement of your financial aid will begin up to ten days prior to the start of each term and will be reflected as a credit(s) on your Statement of Account. All fees, including penalties, must be paid according to the deadline indicated on your Statement of Account.

Student-athletes: Due to NCAA regulations, there are additional procedures for disbursement of certain types of aid and the release of credit balances. Please contact​ from your Ohio State email account for more information.

Eligibility checks

Please be aware that you must fulfill certain criteria of enrollment status and eligibility to receive your financial aid funds. Your eligibility is monitored on an ongoing basis throughout the term. Aid which was initially credited to your Statement of Account for which you cease to be eligible will be withdrawn. Eligibility checks include verification status, hours of enrollment, Suspension Status​, and not being in default or owing an overpayment to a financial aid program​. If you are ineligible for any of the aid originally credited to your account, you will be responsible to pay those charges which were covered by that aid on your original Statement of Account.

Financial aid payment process:

Your financial aid awards will be applied towards the allowable charges that appear on your Statement of Account if you remain eligible at the time of disbursement.  Any overage, a credit balance, will be refunded to you for other educational expenses including off-campus housing (see information about credit balances below). Federal regulations state that Title IV federal financial aid funds cannot be disbursed to you any earlier than ten days prior to the start of classes each term. 

Credit balances

Once financial aid has been applied to the statement of account, The Office of the Bursar issues credit balances (credits which exceed the charges on your account) via:
  • Direct deposit to your personal checking or savings account. To set up direct deposit, access My Buckeye Link​. Under the Finances section, click on the "Account Refund" hyperlink. You will be directed to the appropriate website, where you can enter your deposit information. 
  • Paper check. If you are not signed up for direct deposit, your credit balance will be mailed to you in the form of a check. Checks are mailed to the address listed as your home/current address regardless of your campus of attendance. To update your home/current address information, go to My Buckeye Link​ and click on Home/Current Address in the Contact Information section.

Reductions in disbu​rs​ed aid​:

If Student Financial Aid determines that you are no longer eligible to receive aid that has already been disbursed to you, you may be asked to repay it. This is a result of the continuous, ongoing eligibility and reconciliation checks that Student Financial Aid performs for all aid programs to ensure that funds are going only to eligible students. If necessary, a recovery of disbursed funds from you will take one of the following forms:
  • SFA may reduce future disbursements of aid to make your award consistent with your eligibility status. This reduction might result in an increase of your personal financial obligation for university charges for those terms.
  • SFA may reduce your aid for the current term to make your award consistent with your eligibility status. This reduction would take the form of a reduced credit placed on your account that may increase your personal financial obligation for university charges.
  • SFA may reduce prior term aid which would result in an additional charge on your account. This will increase the amount you owe for university charges (or reduce your credit balance) and could result in a balance due.

    Please periodically check your statement of account to ensure any balance that may be created due to an enrollment change or loss of eligibility does not remain unpaid. If you have questions regarding your eligibility for financial aid, please contact Buckeye Link at 614-292-0300 or
​Applications at a g​lance​
Applications at a g​lance​
​Aid pr​​ogram​​​​ Need bas​​​ed​​? ​File FAFSA​​ eac​h year? ​FAFSA and verification priority dates​​ apply?
​Federal Pell Grant


State of Ohio grant programs

​Freshman Foundation Program (FFP) Ohio State ​Grant

​Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

​Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)

​Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

​Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

​Federal Perkins Loan

(No longer being awarded)

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)​

​Federal Direct PLUS Loan for Graduate and Graduate/Professional Students

​Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL)

​Nursing Student Loan (NSL)

​President’s Affordability Grant

University Grant (formerly Scarlet and Gray Grant)

​Buckeye Affordability Grant

​Land Grant Opportunity Scholarship

​Recipients are selected from incoming freshmen; FAFSA is required every year. ​ ​​

Maximus Scholarship

Honors Merit Scholarships

Morrill Scholarship  Program (MSP)*
  • Distinction Scholarship
  • Prominence Scholarship
  • Excellence Scholarship
National Buckeye Scholarship

Trustees Scholarship
These awards are merit-based scholarships and do not require a FAFSA or ScholarshipUniverse application. Recipients are selected from incoming freshmen by Undergraduate Admissions, the University Honors and Scholars Center, or the Office of Diversity and Inclusion in consultation with Student Financial Aid.

*Please note that a separate application is required for initial MSP awards.

​ ​
Special eligibility scholarships

Cooperative Scholarship Housing

​File the ScholarshipUniverse application by your application deadline; we strongly recommend that all students file the FAFSA so they can be considered for all scholarships and other aid for which they may be eligible. ​ ​

Summary of major financial aid programs:

Federal Grants
Federal Grants
Progr​​a​​​​m Descripti​​o​n Eligibi​​li​​​ty Te​r​ms How to ap​​pl​​y
Fede​​ral Pell Grant
  • ​Federally funded
  • Gift aid
  • Need-based
  • Undergraduate students working toward their first bach​elor's degree
  • Undergraduate students have a lifetime eligibility usage (LEU) maximum Pell Grant of 12 semesters or full-time equivalent (600%)
  • If eligible, Pell Grant will be calculated using enrollment intensity based on enrolled credit hours as follows:
    Enrolled Credit Hours Intensity

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federally funded
  • Gift aid​
  • Need-based; limited funding
  • Undergraduate students working toward their first bachelor's degree
  • Half-time enrollment (at least 6 credit hours per semester), except during the semester a student is graduating if proper documentation is submitted
  • Award amounts vary based on available funding.
  • The amount of FSEOG, in combination with other need-based financial aid, cannot exceed financial need
  • Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority date (Feb. 15)
TEACH Grant (Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education)
  • Federally funded
  • Gift aid that converts to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan if service requirements are not satisfied
  • Non-need-based
  • Undergraduate or graduate in a degree seeking program
  • Enrollment in an eligible program to teach in a high-need field (bilingual education; English language acquisition; foreign language; mathematics; science, including but not limited to computer science; special education) and serves students from low-income families
  • 3.25 cumulative GPA
  • Sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve or Repay (Agreement) and complete counseling each year this grant is awarded.
  • $4,000 statutory maximum minus a percentage reduction each year based on the first disbursement if enrolled full time (at least 12 credit hours per semester). The TEACH Grant will prorate for enrollment less than full time
  • Must agree to teach in a high-need field serving low-income students
  • Must teach for 4 full years within 8 years of receiving the grant
  • If recipient does not complete service obligation TEACH Grant converts to Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan with interest from the date each grant was disbursed.
  • TEACH Grant, in combination with other financial aid, cannot exceed the recipient's Cost of Attendance
State of Ohi​o grants
State of Ohi​o grants
P​​rog​​​ra​m De​scri​ption​​ El​​igibi​​lity T​er​​ms Ho​​w t​o apply
Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)
  • Ohio funded
  • Gift aid
  • SAI < 3750 and total income <$96,001
  • Must meet the Oct. 1 FAFSA deadline
  • Must be in a degree seeking program
  • Must be Ohio resident


  • Students are limited to 10 semesters
  • You cannot receive OCOG for any term during which you receive either full tuition ROTC or Ohio National Guard Scholarship
  • Your award may change if your FAFSA information changes as a result of verification
  • You are no longer eligible for OCOG once you have earned your first bachelor's degree
  •  Submit FAFSA by FAFSA deadline (Oct. 1)​
I​​​nstitutional grants
I​​​nstitutional grants
Prog​​ram Descripti​​​o​n Elig​i​bility T​erms​​ How to ​a​pply
​President's Affordability Grant​
  • Ohio State  funded
  • Gift aid
  • ​Awarded to  Ohio resident, degree seeking, undergraduate students
  • Must demonstrate financial need
  • Must be in good academic standing
  • Students must file a FAFSA by the priority date
  • Must maintain full-time enrollment
  • Must be SAP eligible
  • You can receive a maximum of 8 semesters of university funding
  • You are no longer eligible for the President's Affordability Grant once you have earned your first bachelor's degree
  • If your FAFSA information changes as a result of verification, your award may change
  • The amount is evaluated and determined every academic year
  • Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority  date (Feb. 15)
​​University Grant (formerly Scarlet and Gray Grant)
  • Ohio State funded
  • Gift aid
  • ​Awarded to  degree seeking, undergraduate students attending the Columbus campus
  • Must demonstrate financial need
  • Must be in good academic standing
  • Students must file a FAFSA by the priority date
  • Must maintain full-time enrollment at the Columbus campus
  • Must be SAP eligible
  • You can receive a maximum of 8 semesters of university funding
  • You are no longer eligible for the University Grant once you have earned your first bachelor's degree
  • If your FAFSA information changes as a result of verification, your award may change
  • The amount is evaluated and determined every academic year
  • Cannot be combined with FFP
  • Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority  date (Feb. 15)
​Buckeye Affordability Grant (Columbus Campus)
  • ​Ohio State funded
  • Gift aid
  • ​Awarded to  Ohio resident, degree seeking, undergraduate students
  • Must be SAP eligible
  • Students must file a FAFSA by the priority date
  • Students must be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and have a remaining tuition balance after other eligible aid is applied
  • Must maintain full-time enrollment at the Columbus campus
  • ​You can receive a maximum of 8 semesters of university funding
  • If your FAFSA information changes as a result of verification, your award may change
  • The amount is evaluated and determined every academic year
  • Autumn and Spring terms only
  • You are no longer eligible for the Buckeye Affordability Grant once you have earned your first bachelor's degree
  • ​Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority  date (Feb. 15)
​​Buckeye Affordability Grant (Regional Campuses/ATI)
  • Ohio State Funded
  • Gift aid
  • Awarded to Ohio resident, degree seeking, undergraduate students
  • Must be SAP eligible
  • Students must file a FAFSA by the priority date
  • Students must be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and have a remaining tuition balance after other eligible aid is applied
  • Must maintain full-time enrollment at the regional campus
  • You can receive a maximum of 8 semesters of university funding
  • If your FAFSA information changes as a result of verification, your award may change
  • The amount is evaluated and determined every academic year
  • Autumn and Spring terms only
  • You are no longer eligible for the Buckeye Affordability Grant once you have earned your first bachelor's degree
  • Beginning Spring Term 2019
  • ​Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority  date (Feb. 15)
​​Freshman Foundation Program (FFP)
  • Ohio State funded
  • Gift aid
  • Eligibility is determined by demonstrated financial need, diversity, academics and Ohio county of residence. 
  • Awarded to need-based undergraduate students on the Columbus campus
  • Financial need is determined by filing the FAFSA by the priority date each year.
  • Must maintain full-time enrollment at the Columbus campus.
  • You can receive a maximum of 8 semesters of university funding
  • You are no longer eligible for the FFP once you have earned your first bachelor's degree.
  • If your FAFSA information changes as a result of verification, your award may change.
  • The amount is evaluated and determined every academic year
  • Cannot be combined with University Grant (formerly Scarlet and Gray Grant)
  • Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority  date (Feb. 15)​
Federal Work-Study
Federal Work-Study
Pro​​gra​​m Descrip​​ti​on Eligibilit​​​​y Ter​​​​ms How to​​ a​​pply
Federal Work-Study
  • Award is funded partially by federal funds and can be partially funded by the Ohio State employing department
  • Award is earned as wages, through bi-weekly paycheck, for work performed for eligible on- and off-campus employers
  • No repayment
  • Need-based
  • Must maintain at least half-time enrollment at Ohio State (6 hours for undergrad, 5 hours for graduate students)
  • Maximum of 20 hours a week during the term
  • You cannot work more than 40 hours per pay period
  • You cannot work during scheduled class times
  • Submit the FAFSA before the  priority date
  • Award amounts vary based on available funding
  • Locate and interview for jobs by reviewing job listing on Ohio State Student Employment web site
  • Work-Study wages do NOT appear on your university account; students earn a paycheck for work performed
  • The amount of FWS, in combination with other need-based financial aid, cannot exceed demonstrated financial aid need
  • Student can obtain more than one FWS position provided they still follow maximum hourly allowance.
  • ​Submit FAFSA by Ohio State's priority date (Feb. 15)


Fed​​eral loan​s
Fed​​eral loan​s
Pro​​gram​ Descrip​​t​​ion Eligi​​bil​​ity T​​e​​rms How to a​​​​​​pply​​​
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
  • Federally funded
  • Must begin repayment 6 months after graduation
  • Interest rates
  • Students can start payments while enrolled without penalty
  • Need-based
  • Enrolled at least half time (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate,  must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours per semester.
  • Enrolled in a program that leads to a degree or certificate
  • Borrowers must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens
  • Must be SAP eligible
  • Repayment is deferred and interest does not accrue while student is enrolled at least half time
  • Fees​​
  • Undergraduate students scheduled to graduate after fall semester will have their loan eligibility prorated, per program regulations, according to the number of credit hours enrolled
  • Award amounts vary, based on cumulative hours earned (grade level)
  • First-time borrowers must complete online Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note
  • The amount of Direct Subsidized Loan, in combination with other need-based financial aid, cannot exceed demonstrated financial aid need
  • Submit FAFSA
  • Complete Entrance Counseling
  • Complete Master Promissory Note



Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  • Federally funded
  • Must begin repayment 6 months after graduation
  • Interest rates​​
  • Students can start payments while enrolled without penalty
  • Interest starts accruing after first disbursement
  • Non-need-based
  • Enrolled at least half time (Undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, enrolled 6 credit hours per semester; graduate students and law students must be enrolled 4 credit hours per semester.
  • Cannot exceed the educational cost of attendance minus other financial aid
  • Undergraduate, graduate and professional students can be considered for this loan up to the amount of the students' annual borrowing limit
  • Borrowers must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens Must be SAP eligible
  • Interest begins accruing on date of loan disbursement; may be paid periodically or capitalized
  • Fees
  • Repayment of principal deferred while enrolled at least half time
  • Undergraduate students scheduled to graduate after fall semester will have their loan eligibility prorated, per program regulations, according to the number of credit hours enrolled
  • Award amounts vary, based on cumulative hours earned (grade level)
  • First-time borrowers must complete online Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note
  • The amount of Direct Unsubsidized Loan, in combination with other  financial aid, cannot exceed the recipient's Cost of Attendance
  • Submit FAFSA
  • Complete Entrance Counseling
  • Complete Master Promissory Note


Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan and Grad PLUS Loan
  • Federally funded​
  • Must be repaid
  • Interest rates​ are federally regulated and set annually
  • Non-need-based
  • Loan amounts vary, based on borrower's request
  • Parent PLUS Loan borrower is the parent of an undergraduate dependent student; Grad PLUS Loan borrower is a graduate or law student
  • Enrolled at least half time (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate,  must be enrolled 6 credit hours per semester; graduate students and law students must be enrolled 4 credit hours per semester.
  • Borrower must meet credit- worthiness standards as set forth by Federal Direct Lending
  • This loan will be included on your award notification only if a separate application is submitted
  • Fees​
  • In order to apply the student must file a FAFSA and receive an award letter
  • PLUS repayment of principal and interest begins 60 days after the loan is disbursed.
  • Grad PLUS borrowers qualify for "in school" deferment while enrolled at least half-time
  • First-time Grad PLUS or Parent PLUS borrowers must complete the online Master Promissory Note
  • First-time Grad PLUS Loan borrowers, and any borrower who previously completed the entrance counseling prior to July 1, 2011, must complete the online Loan Entrance Counseling
  • The amount of loan, in combination with other financial aid, cannot exceed the recipient's Cost of Attendance

Federal Perkins Loan​

(No longer being awarded)

  • Federally funded; university administered
  • Must be repaid
  • 5% fixed interest rate

  • Repayment is deferred and there is no interest while enrolled at least half ​time
  • ​The Perkins Loan program has expired