​STEP 1: Apply for admission

Applications vary by program. Find your program​.

STEP 2: File the FAFSA

The FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the first step  to be considered for any type of federal or state aid and most institutional aid (including some scholarships). The Ohio State University has a priority date. You can still submit your FAFSA after that date, but be aware that filing before will maximize your aid consideration.

Read about the scholarships, grants, loans and part-time employment programs offered at Ohio State.

Read about how we determine aid eligibility.

Important things to know about filing the FAFSA:
  • You will need your FSA ID account username and password. All contributors are required to create an account to access certain U.S. Department of Education websites. Your FSA ID is used to confirm your identity when accessing financial aid information and electronically signing federal student aid documents. Learn how to create an FSA ID. 

  • Every contributor must provide consent and approval for you to be eligible for federal student aid. With your consent and approval, the FAFSA can obtain your federal tax information automatically from the IRS to help you complete the form. You can save the form and return to it later if you need more time. 
Are you new to the FAFSA? Find links to informationa​​l webs​ites​.

Important tips:
  • Your Social Security Number must be on your application for admission in order for it to link to your FAFSA. If you already applied and did not include your SSN, contact Graduate and Professional Admissions.

  • Include The Ohio State University's school code: 003090. ​In order to have your FAFSA data sent to Ohio State, this code must be included on the FAFSA.

  • File the FAFSA each year you plan to attend.

  • You do not have to be admitted to the university to submit the FAFSA.

Contact Buckeye Link at 614-292-0300, help.osu.edu or the financial aid office for your college.

STEP 3: Apply at ScholarshipUniverse

The university offers hundreds of special-eligibility scholarships with a wide variety of eligibility criteria. ScholarshipUniverse is a scholarship-matching tool that simplifies the process of finding and applying for scholarships from Ohio State and more than 12,000 external sources, such as churches, professional, civic or service organizations, private foundations, the military, and more.

Log in to ScholarshipUniverse using your Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password and create your account. Based on your profile and your current academic status at Ohio State, you'll be matched with scholarships that you might qualify for. Be sure to complete all required steps. See user instructions and tips.

STEP 4: Review your FAFSA Submission Summary

After you submit your FAFSA, the U.S. Department of Education will send you a FAFSA Submission Summary, which is a summary of the FAFSA data you submitted and includes your Student Aid Index (SAI). Ohio State uses the FAFSA Submission Summary to calculate the aid it can offer you.

STEP 5: Watch for your financial aid offer from Ohio State

Financial aid notifications are available to view online in April. Check your university email account for your aid notification email and follow the instructions to review your package. Keep your contact information current via buckeylink.osu.edu​.​

STEP 6: Have you been selected for verification?

Verification is a process in which Ohio State confirms the accuracy of information provided on the FAFSA. Verification is a federally mandated program to ensure accuracy in the administration of federal financial aid.

  • ​If you are selected for verification, Ohio State will notify you via your university email address.

  • Submit the requested items promptly (within 45 days) or risk losing consideration for some financial aid programs. ​ Please submit the information requested as soon as possible.

  • If you are required to provide your taxes, you can update your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (see step 2 above for more information). If you are unable to use the Data Retrieval Tool, you must provide a signed copy of your IRS Tax Return Form 1040 and all schedules, or an official IRS Tax Return Transcript. For more information on requesting an IRS Tax Return Transcript visit irs.gov/Individuals/Get-Transcript-FAQs.

How verification works

  • Requested items needed for verification will be listed in the To Do List task of buckeyelink.osu.edu.

  • All of your federal and need-based aid will be on hold until verification is complete.

  • Once verification is complete, your To Do List will be updated.

  • Ohio State may adjust your financial aid package based on the results that were determined through the verification process. ​​