Second Chance Grant Program

​Second Chance Grant

The Ohio Department of Education’s (ODHE) Second Chance Grant Program is a $2,000 grant available to disenrolled students wishing to renew their pursuit of a college degree by re-enrolling at a qualifying institution, such as The Ohio State University.

The one-time grant is awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis to students who stopped out of (withdrew from) a qualifying institution of higher education in Ohio and who meet the following criteria:

  • Current resident of the state of Ohio
  • Last date of attendance was at least two semesters but no more than five years ago
  • Have not yet earned a bachelor's degree from ANY college or university
  • In good academic standing with no disciplinary issues at disenrollment
  • Must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and accept any need-based state or federal grants to which you are entitled

Note: Recipients of the following Ohio scholarships are not eligible: Choose Ohio First, Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund, War Orphans and Severely Disabled Veteran's Scholarship Program, Ohio National Guard Scholarship.

To determine if you qualify for a Second Chance Grant Program by enrolling at Ohio State, contact Buckeye Link or the regional financial aid office of the campus you wish to attend.

For more information and a list of qualifying institutions go to: Second Chance Grant Program.

Note: There is a limited pool of Second Chance Grant funds and as such it is possible that not all qualifying students will be able to receive a grant.

If you previously attended Ohio State but have disenrolled, you might be eligible to apply for Complete Ohio State. A program that supports former Columbus campus students wishing to re-enroll and complete their degree.